
An Email From Beyond

You know that myHim and I have known each other for over twenty years, right? Well, thanks to the glory of Yahoo mail, I recently found an email exchange between us from 2000. Here's how we sound when we speak (as we both write the way we speak):

Bonus points if you can rapidly figure out who's who:

From: me
To: myHim
Sent: Sunday, June 25, 2000 4:21 PM
Subject: (Not really) rocking the casbah

> You know, you surely could have picked a month ago to decide that you needed my attention. I searched high and low for you for the 4 days o'decadence I had there. Figured you might show up at some of the hot spots, but apparently I've no idea what they are now. Damn! Ah, well, que sera, sera.

How was the trip? There are a few cool places to go. East [location redacted] is
the hepcat new spot in town. It's kind of like L5P, but not so commercial
and, I hate to say it, Generation Y. Lots of cool food and drink, and a
couple of music halls.

> So, leaving us, eh? But the question remains, will you still call me when your heart's broken? I'd miss those random calls if they stopped coming. I am sorry to hear about you and [name redacted], but it seems you're handling it well (or you're a heck of a liar).

I've always taken pride in my innate lying skills. I have good days and
bad days. Remember, if only she hadn't been 15 years older, it might have
been wildly different. Of course, that wasn't the only reason. She has a
house and kids here, I wanted to move, I also want my own chilluns
someday...I'll probably stick to emailing you when my heart's broken; if
(when) I get this job out west it's going to be super-expensive.

> Why SanFran? It's expensive there and so many damn people that I'll be surprised if you resist the Uzi urge. Of course, I'm always invited, right? You'll need the alibi.

You are welcome anytime. Why SF? I know two people there (my Los
Angeles connection bombed out), earthquakes, and freaks, freaks, freaks. You
would be surprised how dot-com conservative [location redacted] is. And yeah, that's my term. Feel free to use it everywhere you see Dockers and Martha Stewart. Don't get me wrong, I love the old Nazi decorator, but her fans-yeesh!!

> So, are you victor now, or has mp3.com not updated info on the band? I'm listening to it now as I write. You don't mind the "She's only 17" giggle, do you? I'm afraid I can't resist. Who's [part of terrible band name redacted], anyway? Am I ill-read? Probably. All I read now are emails from irate customers. I love my job. Jealous?

Victor is gone, and they just don't update. [Name redacted] is the lead singer's
wife (yowp!) Ill-read? I'm not sure. I've been getting dumber lately, and am
just now trying to turn it around...

> So what are these interviews for? I mean, aside from CEO, of course. I'm sure you've got many takers for your ingenious creativity. I mean, they've got your resume, right? So they know you're a master of word games.

Mostly just layout and design stuff using Illustrator, Freehand, and
Photoshop. I would rather be a rock star (think Peter Gabriel meets Butthole
Surfers or Janes Addiction), but the computer pays the bills. All hail King
Computer!! As an aside, you know, I really wanted the whole Y2K bug to hit
fairly hard. Or at least, have all the power go out for about five seconds.
Think of the dry cleaning bill!

> I can't resist--tragical? Please tell me there's a drug-induced tale behind that one. At least it's an excuse to whip out the old buckled creepers and mousse that you've been hiding for years. (Yes, that was me, peeking through the window that night.)

It was SUPPOSED to be a play on the Beatles' "Magical Mystery Tour"; try the "Tragical Misery Tour" on for size! But instead, I sound like I'm in high school. And the last pair of boots I bought have buckles to the knees, thank you very much!

> So I suppose I ought to fill you in on me. Since I haven't seen you in a year......{Name redacted] and I split up in December and are now on the slow, incredibly painful route to getting back together. I've never done well playing by someone else's rules, but I'm doing my best now. I've got to if I want him. Hopefully this won't be an eternal thing and I'll end up some fat housewife in a muumuu picking up dust bunnies so I don't get beat again.

Beat by love? Beat by [name redacted]? Kinky beatings or abusive? There is a
world of difference, let me tell you.

> Work's good, I guess. There's a lot going on there so I'm pretty lame now. I've got a conference to put together, with pretty much no help. Still, if it works, I smell a raise! And, dream of dreams, my own place. [My college roommate] still wants me to live with her but I so badly want something of my own.

Do I know [my college roommate]? Is that the girl [name redacted] used to date? Have I slept with her??? Just kidding (I think).

> Well, o ye of the steady beat, I shall wander off now and try to find another way to debase myself for his pleasure.

MMMmmmm...debasement. Actually one of the issues that [name redacted] and I had
trouble with. I'll fill you in sometime when you're feeling filthy.

> Fight the power!

I'd rather usurp and BECOME the power!
Luv and shit-
p.s. Write back; there are a few [location redacted] I would rather not lose touch

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