
A request

Several of you have asked me more about myself. So, for a break in my usual writing, here are some things I'll share:

- I am a girl. I really, really am. Unless I like you though, no, I will not prove it.

- I can write in mirror writing.

- I play guitar left-handed. And not well. I also play piano, and when I was in school, I played cornet.

- I have the patience of a toddler. Often, the attention span of one as well.

- I am currently reading What Is The What by Dave Eggars and American Eve by Paula Uruburu. The Eggars book is really good, although difficult to read because it's about a Lost Boy from Sudan. American Eve is interesting only in its subject matter and not its writing style.

- I really prefer to drive rather than be the passenger. Take that as you wish.

- If I could, I'd listen to music all the time, no matter what I'm doing.

- I love love love reality shows, especially the ones on VH-1. Judge if you must, but they're really funny. I have a whole new appreciation for Bret Michaels. He's more clever than people give him credit for.

- No matter how long it's been, or how long it will be, I still get excited when I see a VM from Him, His number on my caller ID, or when I first glimpse Him.

- I used to be a natural redhead. Now I have to pay for it, and it's worth every penny. I think red hair is the sexiest color on a woman.

If you've got questions, ask away. No guarantee that I'll answer, but I'll entertain the request.

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